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Curious facts about Puerto Vallarta that will surprise you

  • Post published:May 2, 2023
Datos curiosos de Puerto Vallarta que te sorprenderán

Did you know that Puerto Vallarta hides fascinating secrets? In this article, we’ll reveal some curious facts about this beautiful tourist destination. Read on and find out why so many travelers choose to stay in boutique hotels in Puerto Vallarta!

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The stars love Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta has been the setting for many movies and TV shows, but what you may not know is that celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton chose this paradise for their stay. Their love for the city was so great that they even bought properties here.

Art on the beach in Puerto Vallarta

Art is a fundamental part of Puerto Vallarta. Along the Malecon, you will find several sculptures by local and international artists. In addition, the city has art galleries and studios where you can learn more about the culture of the region.

In our article Tips For Lodging And Entertainment In Puerto Vallarta we talked in more detail about the artistic activities that can be found in this tourist destination.

A paradise for nature lovers

Puerto Vallarta is not only known for its beautiful beaches, but also for the many outdoor activities it offers. Nature lovers enjoy bird watching, hiking and boat tours to spot whales and dolphins.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

One of the icons of Puerto Vallarta is the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Built in the early 20th century, this historic building attracts visitors and locals alike for its impressive architecture and religious significance.

Awesome gastronomy

The flavor of Puerto Vallarta is unforgettable. Here you can enjoy a wide variety of dishes, from fresh seafood to delicious enchiladas. In addition, the city hosts gastronomic events such as the International Gourmet Festival, which attracts chefs from around the world.

Boutique hotels for a unique experience

Puerto Vallarta is home to a number of boutique hotels that offer a unique lodging experience. These hotels, such as Casa María Hotel Boutique, provide personalized attention and an intimate atmosphere that you won’t find in larger hotels.

Marietas, Puerto Vallarta’s most famous islands

The Marietas Islands are a group of volcanic islands located a few kilometers from Puerto Vallarta. These islands are home to a great biodiversity and offer the opportunity for snorkeling and scuba diving. The hidden beach, known as “Playa del Amor”, is one of the most spectacular in the world.

La conexión con la leyenda de Chac Mool

Algunos historiadores creen que existe una conexión entre Puerto Vallarta y la antigua leyenda maya de Chac Mool, el dios de la lluvia. Se dice que la forma de las montañas alrededor de la bahía se asemeja al perfil de Chac Mool, lo que ha llevado a especular sobre la posible presencia de antiguos asentamientos mayas en la zona.

Ahora que conoces estos datos curiosos de Puerto Vallarta, seguramente te sentirás aún más atraído por este maravilloso destino. Recuerda que si buscas una experiencia única y personalizada, un hotel boutique es la mejor opción para tu estadía. ¡No esperes más y reserva tu próxima aventura en Puerto Vallarta!